Update! Since this post was written, Remora has introduced the Carbon Carry. This is a hybrid holster with the Remora backing. Of course, you may want to add this to an existing holster, so we’ll leave our Quick Tip up:
So let’s say you want to carry a really big, really heavy gun in deep concealment. There are a lot of options out there, including the ubiquitous IWB (Inside the Waistband) tuckable holsters, made popular by Cross Breed and others. The advantage of this type of rig is that you can tuck a shirt over it and it provides very good concealment. That takes care of the “really big” part. The “really heavy” part is a little more complicated. For this type of holster to work right, you need to have a very good gun belt. That makes or breaks the holster function and without it, your pants are sagging like the local thug’s. However, there are TIMES when a gun belt sticks out. For example, when you are wearing lighter weight pants, or even shorts. WHATEVER the reason, you just can’t wear something that would look too obvious. Most of us have lighter guns and smaller holsters, for these occasions. But here is an alternative: Remora Non Slip Strips.
Many of you are aware of the Remora Holsters, which are made of a really sticky silicone type material. They are basically an IWB pocket that holds your gun and the friction of your waistband holds the holster in place. We’ll be reviewing a few Remoras in the coming months—and giving them away, of course. Well it turns out, you can buy the same sticky material, with an adhesive backing, on their web site (here’s the link). It’s a pretty good deal, with a 50 inch strip going for about $11.
So, I cut about 7 inches of it, carefully removed the backing (go slow, the adhesive likes to pull away from the black sticky part) and applied it to my holster.
The sticky backing can be placed up against your underwear, but it works best if you put it up against your skin. Yes, that means your undies are going on the front side, between the holster and your pants. You can still tuck your shirt and no one is the wiser. But now, the holster can support so much weight, you could actually use it without a belt! The Remora stiction is remarkable and more than enough to hold up my 30 oz Sigs. 1911, P250, etc. Now all can be held securely, using only a light dress belt for security. Your pants don’t drop and as a result, even someone familiar with carrying that way, cannot tell you have something in there (unless they see the clips, of course).
So, if you’ve been trying to find a more secure way to carry a big gun and/or IWB doesn’t carry well for you, try this tip. Free advice is worth what you paid for it, but I’m sure this will work for you, for at least one holster/gun combo. …….and no we won’t be giving this holster away.
What ideas do YOU have for Remora Non Slip Strips?