This Review of the Custom Carry Concepts “Quick Cover”
has a Christmas surprise at the end! Go ahead and skip down there if you want, but then come back and read this review, because this is the most versatile IWB holster I’ve ever reviewed.
The Holster:
Our final review of the year is for the ” Quick Cover” Holster, from Custom Carry Concepts. I’m going to put a link here: Custom Carry Concepts , so you can find them, but know that it is NOT SPONSORED. In other words, we receive no compensation for the reviews. That lets us to give an unbiased accounting.
According to my order form from this past May, this holster is for:
Qty | Item # | Description | Price Each | Total Price
1 | QC1 | Quick Cover IWB | $46.55 | $56.55
Orientation: Right Hand
Make And Model: Kahr, CW9
Cant: FBI cant
Belt Clip: Standard Clip
Belt Width: 1-1/2
Backing: Leather Comfort Layer +$10.00
Subtotal $56.55
Less Coupon ($5.66)
Subtotal $50.89
Tax $0.00
Shipping (United States Postal Service) $5.70
Balance Due $56.59
Remember, you can get the “coupon ” discount by signing up for our reviews. We’ll email you the special code!
In the interest of full disclosure, I must mention that when Rich at Custom Carry Concepts found out that I was reviewing their products, he was nice enough to include extra clip options, so I could take a look at the few of them. Being freebies, he gave me a factory second for one of the clips. If you notice in the picture, the clip attached to the holster was rolled backwards and so, the finish is on the wrong side. Function is fine and yours would be correct and look perfect. I only mention it here because this was a clip that was provided as a TEST PIECE only. I don’t want anyone to think that this is typical quality. All the other clips were perfect.
First Impressions:
This is a QUALITY holster with amazing attention to detail. Ever place the holster contacts the gun is form tightly around the shape of the feature. This is definitely a custom fit and you should not expect the holster to fit “similar” guns, except where noted. For instance, many of the Kahr models are identical in external dimensions and so, this is one case where the holster would fit more than one gun. But, if you want the best carry experience with proper retention and ride height, nothing beats a custom molded holster. The Quick Cover is just that, molded to your EXACT gun.
OK, back to first impressions. The Kydex on this one is thick enough to have zero flex, but it is so tightly molded to the shape of the gun, it feels half the thickness of some of my lesser holsters. Like the Shaggy, reviewed earlier this year, every edge that has the potential to dig into you is nicely rolled in. This is one of those details that separates a quality, professional holster, from the “also rans”. The backside is covered in a thick leather (note:this is an added option and worth every penny) for extra comfort. It is permanently attached and tightly trimmed, so I think it will last for many years of use. The carry clips seem to be unbreakable and do not loosen in everyday use. You can loctite them if you want, but mine held fast.

Rear Side (body facing) of the Quick Cover. Note the quality of the leather covering and how well the holster conforms to the gun.
Concealability and Carry:
The Quick Carry comes with one belt attachment, to suit your carry style. As mentioned above, mine had all of them. I’ve used the following (listed in the order they are shown in the photo above, from right to left):
Tuckable Loop (top)
FBI cant
Straight Drop (appendix)
Outrigger Straight Drop
Outrigger FBI cant (attached)
Of all of these options, I like the outrigger style, with the FBI cant, best. It provides a very stable platform and secures the weapon nicely. I find the FBI cant to be easiest to draw and it works well to conceal “squarer” grips. I do use the straight drop or FBI cant without outrigger, occasionally, depending on clothing. You want to the gun to be in the same place, every time you reach for it. However, sometimes there is a belt loop in the way, or a split in your jacket that calls for a different position for the clip. With all of these mounting options, you can surely find one that works. But, 90% of the time, you can put mine on the FBI cant outrigger. This holster also adds almost no weight or discernible bulk to the Kahr, making for a nice light carry package!
The CCC Quick Cover gives you a ride height that allows a full combat grip on draw.
An alternate way to use the holster with the outrigger, is to put it outside the waistband, but inside the belt. I did not see Custom Carry Concepts recommending this mode of carry, but I found it works great, especially with jeans that are “a little too tight”.

Outside the waistband, but inside the belt. Obviously, you need a cover garment here, unless you are open carrying.
For appendix carry, I actually like the tuckable loop, as it allows enough motion to sit down, while still holding the holster fast, when drawing.
Easily hidden under a tee shirt (with a little bit of overhang offered, courtesy of my belly).
Retention is good with no rattle and enough grip to hold the gun, even upside down. Drawing is super slick, with the metal on Kydex contact. There are a couple of rubber doughnuts in the seam, where the screws go through, that allow you to tighten up the retention. However, the retention is well provided for with the shape of the holster. The tight forming Kydex give a nice “snick” when you holster the weapon and it will not fall out, even if you shake it inverted. Like the Shaggy, it has the right amount of grip, without the risk of the gun getting stuck when you really need it.
What We Liked:
The OPTIONS! So many options for cant and outriggers, plus the tuckable loop, I guarantee you can find one that works. I’d start with the outrigger in the cant (tilt) that you prefer and then go back later and order extra clips in different styles. As previously mentioned, the fit and finish, along with quality of materials, is top notch. Rich really knows his stuff and doesn’t skimp on the details. The attachment screws are Melonited and top quality. The leather backing is about as thick as you could make it and still form it to the Kydex. Also, Custom Carry Concepts is a family run business and really takes care of their customers. They seem to depend mostly on word-of-mouth advertising and there are a lot of positive reviews of their products. This author is not about to disagree!
What We Didn’t Like:
I can’t really find a single thing to nit-pick this holster on. About the only issue I had (and this is more about me, than the product), is with the screws. CCC uses nice beefy screws to hold the loops on and they work perfectly. But, I was taking the various clips on and off constantly, while evaluating the holster. As a result, I got a couple burrs that would tend to snag on some of my clothes. Easy to knock them off with a small file, but instead, I chose to replace them with an button head Allen screw. You will probably never run into this issue (I took them on and off about 70 times), but if you do, just grab some button heads at the local hardware store. I understand why Custom Carry Concepts chose combination screws, as everyone has a blade or standard screwdriver, but not everyone has a set of Allen wrenches. Makes perfect sense to me, but I’ll throw my “modification” out there in case anyone needs it someday. Again, this issue was due to me taking the clips on and off for testing, so I guess there really ISN’T anything I don’t like about the Quick Cover!
This is by far the MOST versatile holster I’ve ever owned. It may have actually solved the holster drawer conundrum! You can buy one and with the additional clip options and have a LOT of options for carry. I will be getting one of these for every small to medium sized pistol I own! I will be also be ordering one for my 1911, to see how it handles a large gun. I have no doubt that the holster is up to the task, but I want to challenge the carry style (IWB) as I have never found IWB to be comfortable for a heavier piece. I usually use a Fobus paddle holster for my heavier pistols, as the paddle lends extra support. But, if there is one IWB that would be up to the task, it’s the Quick Cover, with one of the outrigger attachments.
Special Giveaway:
Normally, when we do a review, we give away the holster, at random, to anyone who has signed up (look in the margin, to do that). But I love the Quick Cover too much to part with it. It has become my everyday holster and I am ordering a couple more, for some other guns. So, for Christmas, we are going to pick a winner and then THEY can pick out the Custom Carry Concepts Quick Cover for THEIR firearm. We’ll pick a winner on Tuesday and then make the arrangements for them to receive their holster, along with the cant attachment that they prefer. We will also throw in the leather backing option. Note that these are custom built, so yours may take a few weeks to arrive. All you need to do for a chance to win is to sign up in the sidebar.
Gun Porn: The Kahr CW9
The Kahr CW9 is a 16 oz., eight shot (7+1) striker fired pistol. The long trigger pull means that you could call it a double action and not be far off the mark. I have been amazed at what Kahr has put together in the CW9 for about $350, street price. They took all the best features from their more expensive offerings and cut back on the frills, such as engraving (substituting what looks like a stamping of the “CW9” and “Kahr” info). You also get a standard rifled barrel, vs a polygonal barrel. That change supposedly drops a bit of velocity, though I’ve seen conflicting info on this. The front site is fixed and the rear is drift adjustable, though mine shot fine out of the box. In fact, it not only shot accurately, also had zero cycling problems of any kind, despite a recommended break-in period and it eats anything. Out of 20 or 30 pistols I own or have owned in the last 20 years, there are very few that I can say that about. My SR9c comes to mind, but everything else needed a break-in before it is reliable. I’m not saying you shouldn’t break in the CW9 before depending on it, just that it turned out to not NEED a break in. As you can see from the barrel at the ejector port, I’ve put some rounds through this gun. The trigger is buttery smooth with predictable take up and break. I’d say it is the equal of the DA Sigs I own, but lighter. However, it’s a bit “different”. They are both about the best in the business (without custom work being done to them), but have different feels. Like any gun, rent, borrow or dry fire one before you buy. I love the trigger, but friends have told me that the trigger travel is too long for them (bah, Glock guys)!
Some people also have opinions about buying guns produced by the reverend Moon’s kid, but that doesn’t enter my calculus for buying a pistol. I figure that every manufacturer is probably harboring a few workers that I would’t agree with on religion, politics, or favorite bubble gum. As long as they aren’t producing weapons to be used against our troops and also selling to the American public, I really don’t care. But, if you do, you can look into that. I would say that this is a quality firearm, produced in the US, by American workers. It also happens to be built where I used to live; a place that lost a lot of manufacturing jobs and it’s nice to see someone bringing them back home.
When I first saw the “lollipop” sights I thought I would hate them. I actually ordered replacement sights before the gun arrived, “knowing” that they would be difficult to learn and adapt to, after a lifetime of three dot sights. Man, was I WRONG. It may be my older eyes, but I find them EASIER to aquire than my Sig night sights (3 dot), my previous favorite. These don’t glow in the dark (but you can get tritium sights, or paint the front dot) but they are super easy to find on a fast draw, even in low light. If you see two white things in a row, you are on in the vertical. If they touch, you are EXACTLY on. I can easily shoot 5 inch groups on a fast draw (roughly 1 to 1.5 seconds from hand on gun to firing) or get them to touch on slow fire, at 21 feet. I am by no means an expert shot, it’s just that the smooth trigger, great sights, and a grip that doesn’t rotate, all conspire to make a great shooting pistol!
I’ve since purchased an eight round magazine from Kahr that lets me carry one more round, for a total of 9. The magazine hangs out about a half an inch, but since it is smaller than the grip, it doesn’t seem to print. I feel adequately protected with my Kahr, it is light enough to carry and doesn’t print regardless of what I’m wearing. For ME, it is my preferred all-around carry piece and the Custom Carry Concepts “Quick Cover” holster only made it better. A great combination!

Ditto about the Kahr CW9. I own both the CW9 and CM9 and love them. I plan to order the Quick Cover IWB holster for each of these. I read on your site that a $5 coupon is available. How do I get the coupons?
Hi Mike,
If you sign up for the discount codes (upper right corner of the main page), you will get the code for Custom Carry Concepts. Use it on the Quick Cover, or one of their other offerings. The Quick Cover and the CW9 work great together and it is hard to imagine an equal carry combo. Although……I’ve got a neat Sig P290RS IWB coming up……