I’m going to break with tradition and put up a holster WITHOUT a review. Reason being, there are at least two subscribers to our blog that I have asked for holster reviews for two guns I don’t currently own; the Beretta Nano and the S&W Shield. I might have just come across something that can help them and I don’t want them to have to wait until I get around to the full review.
I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to purchase a Custom Carry Concepts “Quick Cover” holster for review. I did and now that it has arrived, I think they may have found the solution for the Holster Drawer. I ordered my Quick Cover for the Kahr CW9, along with extra mounting accessories.
I will do a full review in the next two months (I don’t want this blog to be all about one manufacturer), but every positive thing I said about the Shaggy, can be applied to the Quick Cover! If you have a medium weight pistol (18-30 oz loaded), I think this may be the best holster I’ve ever tried. I’m sure it will work for heavier pistols too, but my preference for carrying the big boys, is outside the waistband. Order one, get the leather backing and then spend a little extra for the various clips. I have the loop, and then clips and outriggers in straight drop and FBI can’t. My favorite modes are the loop for AIWB and the FBI cant outrigger for when I’ll be sitting a lot. Super comfortable and I can conceal under anything. I’d highly recommend this approach of buying extra clips for the women, especially. It will let you try different options without buying complete holsters. Many women have difficulty carrying on the hip, for various reasons having to do with the tendency of women to be built different from men (and thank GOD for THAT!)
OK, so I’m staking my “reputation” on saying that if you get a CCC Quick Cover, you won’t regret it. Will do a complete review in the future!

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