And there you have it, the first person to attempt to connect a Grateful Dead song, with a holster review! Anyway, as I was getting ready to pick the winner of the Alabama Holster “Hooker”, I realized that since this holster is molded Kydex, it will really only provide a good fit for the exact pistol that it was made for. In this case, that would be the Sig Ultra. Although the exterior dimensions are very close to every other compact 1911, my other 1911s don’t fit it perfectly. Figuring some quick odds, I think it is unlikely that the winner of this holster would also have a Sig Ultra….but maybe they will go buy one. Since almost EVERYONE has a standard 1911 variant, I’m going to do something different on this drawing………Whoever wins the Alabama Hooker will ALSO win a universal leather holster that will fit ALL compact and full size 1911s.
This is a pretty nice piece that lets you carry your 1911 in a Crossdraw, Straight Drop, Strong Side, or SOB (small of back) position. All from a single holster.
This time around, I’m not going to review the second holster, as there are a million variants of it on the market. Suffice it to say that THIS one is super rugged and a great way to carry a 40 oz pistol OWB. We’ll be notifying the winner in the next 48 hours. Keep an eye on your inbox!