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Whenever you read a holster review, you have to take into consideration, the person’s body-type.
The middle aged “Buford T. Justice” body is not going to be the perfect candidate for appendix carry. Likewise, the middle age guy with no ass is going to have a harder time carrying something on his buttcheek. There are a lot of possibilities (too many to go through), but I thought I should at least show you where I am coming from.
I was going to put a picture of Tony Horton in here, as an example of this 47 yr old’s body type. The problem is, I haven’t done a sit-up in 10 years, neither my face or body looks like Tony, and I thought a P90X was a new FN model! Other than torturing everyone with naked pictures of me posing in a gunbelt, I thought the best way to show my bodytype, was to put on a snug tee shirt and my usual pants, then take a couple of shots. That way, you can SEE why I don’t like appendix carry (at least, while sitting) and can conceal a larger firearm on my hip, than some of you skinny guys (that roll is perfect for camouflaging the grip). Just in case these induce vomiting, I’d put down your coffee first.
So that’s Hank’s Body Type. Knowing where your reviewer is coming from, will hopefully help you to filter the content and provide information you can use. For more on my Review Bias, see my post on the subject, located HERE.
To help get the bad taste out of your mouth, here’s a picture of author and commentator, Katie Pavlich:

Cool Review, but I prefer Katie’s body type, lol!