Who doesn’t love gun shows? But I’m not talking about the ones where you pay $20 to get in and spend the day bumping into people. No, I mean the ones on the Outdoor Channel or on YouTube.
I used to spend entire evenings hunched over the computer or my iPad, watching hickok45, Gunblastdotcom, Nutnfancy, or FPS Russia, among others. If those names are new to you, look them up on YouTube, but don’t hunch over the computer like I did, because I found a better way!
Over the holidays I got a new Amazon Fire TV Stick and Amazon Fire TV. Both of these devices plug into your HDMI port on any HD TV and then connect to your household wifi. Takes about 5 minutes to set up and you can watch movies, etc. BUT, Amazon TV also lets you stream YouTube up there on your giant screen…in HD. It’s Awesome! Now I can watch gun shows anytime I want and there are a TON of shooting, hunting, self defense and gun reviews on YouTube.
When you look at the Fire TV Stick, you’ll see there are two versions. The one here in my link has the voice remote (“Find Gary Busey!”). It’s worth the $10 extra, so don’t bother with the cheap one. I’ve found the Fire Stick works reasonably well, but sometimes stutters if the kids are on the wifi playing FPS games (what else would Hank’s kids play?). For a bit more, I’d spring for the Regular Fire TV box if you can, as it seems to have more memory to buffer videos, for a smooth experience. It also comes with the voice remote.
OK, so this wasn’t exactly a holster review, but I thought you might want to know about this awesome form of entertainment. I may just dump Dish Network and save a hundred bucks a month—at least, until the wife leaves me!
Stay tuned because we’ve got a post coming up on how to make your own night sights and then a review of the Remora Mini Carbon IWB.
Thanks for reading!